
Orthodontics: No Referrals Necessary!

Come See Us For Your Consultation! No Referral Necessary!

Appointment Request

There seems to be an unspoken rule in the health care industry that when you have to see a specialist you have to wait for your doctor to refer you. For example, when you see your family doctor for a problem with your skin, they may refer you to a skin specialist, a dermatologist. However, contrary to popular belief this “rule” does not apply to orthodontics! At Beach Braces, we understand where the confusion may come from.

Sure, your dentist may refer you for an orthodontic consultation. Many dentists are proactive, and in-tune with potential orthodontic problems. However, if your dentist is not evaluating your child’s bite – that referral may not happen, or it may happen too late!

A dentist usually looks at the overall health of the mouth and teeth. They can be focused on how well your child is brushing or flossing, or if they have any cavities. Orthodontists, on the other hand, have a different perspective than dentists. The focus of an orthodontist is to evaluate the bite, the alignment and fit of the teeth, and in a child, the way the teeth are developing. Orthodontists concern themselves with eruption of the teeth, available space in the mouth and the complexities of changing from deciduous to permanent dentition. They are analyzing how the top and bottom teeth align for a healthy bite and function.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that a child’s first orthodontist check-up be no later than age 7. Sometimes as parents we may notice behaviours or characteristics of our children before anyone else. Perhaps it is a matter of a prolonged habit, snoring, mispronouncing a sound, or difficulty chewing… If you have any concerns, you can come straight to the orthodontist for a consultation. At Beach Braces we will take the time to personally assess you or your child, identifying problems or future problems they may encounter – along with orthodontic solutions.

Contact us for your child’s orthodontic consultation in Scarborough at Beach Braces. We can help get ahead of orthodontic problems before they develop or become worse. No referral necessary!

– The Beach Braces Team

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